Who else is sick and tired of sex that ends too soon? Well, ask any man and there is a good chance he will tell you that premature ejaculation is his #1 problem in the bedroom. Ask a woman the same question, and she will tell you that nothing ruins the beauty of sex faster than a guy who ejaculates too early. So what are the keys to sensational stamina? Are there natural ways to add hours to sex and give your partner the kind of erotic satisfaction you know she deserves? The answer lies NOT in the array of stamina-enhancing pills, creams or sprays. Appreciate whole-body sensuality That is the KEY to phenomenal stamina that lasts... and lasts. You see, most men think that sex only happens during intercourse and are mistaken that the penis is the only tool to please a woman. That perception is a surefire way to a premature ejaculation. The greatest kind of sex involves arousal from head to toe, and not just those tingling, pleasurable sensations you feel in your nether regions. If premature ejaculation visits you at every opportunity, you can quickly turn this around simply by appreciating whole-body sensuality; by paying attention to the pleasure coursing through every square inch on your body. Whole-body sensuality helps to release tension and reduces the odds of your body finding an outlet through an involuntary and early ejaculation. Having sex in this way keeps you completely relaxed and takes the pressure off your penis. More importantly, it helps you last a lot longer, even when you are in the throes of exhilarating pleasure! Lloyd Lester is the creator of "Ejaculation By Command", a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex by visiting the Ejaculation By Command here: Ejaculate On Command.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How To Prevent Premature Ejaculation - WARNING! Only For Guys Who Need More Stamina (Maybe You?)
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