In today's day and age, love and intimacy take on a more pronounced dimension in the bedroom. Women are more open about their ideals of sex, and men are more conscious about their abilities to perform where it matters most. And very often, the ability to last long enough is used as a yardstick of a man's sexual performance. But unfortunately this very yardstick often fails men and affects their confidence to the point that some guys even avoid sex as far as possible. But here's the truth that most guys are clueless about... Sexual stamina is NOT something that men are born with. In fact, the laws of evolution dictate that men are hardwired to ejaculate as soon as possible so that humans can procreate quickly and efficiently. In other words, the ability to last for hours during sex goes against the grain of Mother Nature! So don't be too hard on yourself if you regularly climax too quickly in bed. There are MANY more guys in the same exact sexual predicament as you. Don't you find this familiar? Many men, in their attempts to last longer in bed, use this age-old technique of STOPPING all movement when they feel they are coming close to an orgasm. You probably are guilty of doing this as well. But this technique of "starting and stopping" can potentially frustrate your female partner as it disrupts the momentum of sex, especially when she is clearly enjoying the throes of pleasure. So what's the key to AMAZING stamina? To boost your sexual stamina, you should: - Identify your point of "ejaculatory inevitability". This is the threshold where your arousal escalates through the point of no return and an orgasm becomes imminent. - Learn how to associate the sensations that envelope your body through the four phases of male sexual cycle: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. - Practice mental exercises that will help strengthen your psychological ability to handle intense stimulation. Techniques such as "positive visualization" are extremely effective in posturing your mind for positive outcomes such as the ability to last longer. - Modulate your movements during sex - such as changing your positions or alternating between different sexual activities - so that you will always stay one step clear of the point of "ejaculatory inevitability". Lloyd Lester is the creator of "Ejaculation By Command", a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex by visiting the Ejaculation By Command here: Ejaculate on Command.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
How To Increase Sexual Stamina For Men - Gear Up For Explosive Endurance In Bed With These Tips!
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Do you have a issues with lasting longer in bed? If you do, you may find this article helpful. The simple truth is this: premature ejaculati...