Let's talk about one of the best ways to last longer before ejaculation. First of all, understand that premature ejaculation is a VERY common problem. Regardless of how insecure you are feeling right now, there are many more men just like you. Millions of men around the world ejaculate within 2 minutes when they have intercourse. So you are certainly no alone in facing this issue! Now the more important question is this: if premature ejaculation is a regular occurrence in your love life, how can you actually make sex last longer? Well, there are two simple strategies you can use: one is a "quick fix" and the other is a long-term solution to PE. Quick Fix: Engage In A "Practice Round" Masturbation is a great way to relieve sexual tension, without the need for a partner. But did you also know that this simple act of self-gratification can be a very powerful way to boost your stamina when you next have sex? By giving yourself an initial release, you will temporarily reduce the sensitivity of your penis to sexual stimulation. It will take longer for you to get aroused and that helps you handle stimulation better and last longer when you engage in sex with your partner. This is a great strategy if you know when you are going to make out with her. Long-term Solution: Push Your Ejaculatory Threshold A far better strategy is to learn how to push your ejaculatory limits. From an evolutionary standpoint, men generally are not hardwired to last very long in bed. But by practicing simple exercises, you can actually improve your ejaculatory threshold and last a lot longer during intercourse. One of the keys to achieving this is to build up the pubococcygeus (or PC) muscles located in your pelvis area, using simple PC contraction techniques. Strong PC muscles will enable you to rein in an impending ejaculation so that you can last longer and give your partner a more amazing experience in bed! Lloyd Lester is the creator of "Ejaculation By Command", a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex by visiting the Ejaculation By Command here: technique to last longer in bed
Sunday, July 1, 2012
How To Last Longer Before Ejaculation - 2 Surefire Strategies To Give You A LOT More Stamina In Bed!
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How to Permanently End PE, and the Humiliation of Climaxing Too Fast
Do you have a issues with lasting longer in bed? If you do, you may find this article helpful. The simple truth is this: premature ejaculati...