Sunday, April 1, 2012

How To Make Ejaculation Last Longer - 2 Powerful Strategies To Turbo-Charge Your Sexual Stamina!

It's a real confidence booster for men to be able to last as long as they want during sex. Unfortunately Mother Nature often has other ideas. From an evolutionary standpoint, men in general are hardwired to ejaculate quickly during intercourse. But that does NOT mean you have to settle for less than satisfying, quick-fire sex every time you make out with your beloved woman.

Your sexual stamina is NOT cast in stone. Premature ejaculation CAN be overcome, and with relative ease too. And that does not mean you need to rely on any form of pills, gels or sprays that claim to enhance your staying power (these are not long term solutions to begin with!).

Instead, pay attention to these two simple, proven strategies and you will turn around a lifetime of embarrassment and enjoy lovemaking that really lasts.

Strategy #1: "Refractory Incentive"

You probably notice that you are unable to achieve a second ejaculation if you have had the first one in the past one hour or two. Use that refractory period to your advantage! If you are planning to make out with your partner, allow yourself to enjoy an initial orgasm via masturbation in the few hours leading up to sex. This helps reduce the sensitivity of your penis glans to sexual stimulation, and enable you to control your arousal more effectively. This requires a little bit of strategic planning but will pay HUGE dividends and help you last a lot longer during sex (... and she's going to be very thankful too!)

Strategy #2: "Cognitive Re-positioning"

Overhaul how your mind thinks whenever you make love. Your mental cues play a significant part in determining how long you can last, and conversely, how quickly you will ejaculate. You see, many guys experience at least some degree of performance anxiety when they are cuddling up with their women in bed. They are fearful of coming too soon and disappointing their partners. That mindset ironically sets up many men for failure right from the start. Remember the age-old adage: "You think, therefore you are"? This is true in all facets of our lives, including our sex lives.

So instead of worrying if you will ejaculate too soon, shift your focus from "genital-centric" sex to "full-body" sensuality. Don't just depend on your penis to please your woman. Connect with her emotionally, leverage a lot on foreplay and give her an amazing prelude to intercourse. This will give you a LOT more confidence in bed and help you keep premature ejaculation at bay!

Lloyd Lester is the creator of "Ejaculation By Command", a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex by visiting the Ejaculation By Command here: Ejaculate on Command.

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